Partnering with us is a heritage

Setting a financial operation apart from the crowd

You can partner with me in three ways to publish my next book to enable me and the BOETHOE CARE FOUNDATION to send children back to school in African's remote communities. Every of the below category of partnership receives a monthly news letter and report of my projects in collaboration with BOETHOE CARE FOUNDATION. What you cheerfully make happen to these little kids, God will also make happen to you in manifold plentitude.

Every partnership donation is payable to our Flutter Wave account

Partnership Categories

As You Partner With Us May The God You serve Abundantly Bless You


This category of partnership it's strictly for those that want to make voluntary partnership commitment of sending a particular item, monthly or quarterly donation to help me put a smile in the faces of the less privileged children in African's rural communities.


This category of partnership is strictly for those that want to support me in printing my new books for school project with any amount of money, and also help me create awareness for people around their respective sphere of influence to patronize or buy these books in order to generate funds to send back children to school in African's rural communities. This partnership system require an active participation in frequently creating awareness on social media, offices, cities and respective Industries.


This category of partnership sends a quarterly donation that qualifies them into my classified premium partnership subscription club, that gives them the exclusive leverage and prerogative of receiving five copies of each of my new books (both hard copies and audio book), at least two weeks before the actual date of the book release in the market or all online stores. The donation starts from 1,000 dollars to 3,000 dollars quarterly.
